First Line

November 2021
First Line

When a consumer leaks your explanation to the press.

A consumer buys a product that contains a bizarre and relatively large foreign body. He thus contacts the customer service. The company takes the complaint seriously and starts ...

March 2021
start road
First Line

Consumer services vs quality department

March 2021 The consumer is the crucial final link in the food chain. He buys your products and consumes them. Occasionally, he has a complaint about a product. Most cases are n...

March 2021
First Line

How accessible is your company?

January 2021 Every food company’s mission is to market high-quality, tasty products. This is generally the case. However, zero risk does not exist. It is therefore always pos...

November 2020
First Line

Crisis management in times of Covid-19

November 2020 It appears that the measures concerning meetings and telework are here to stay, affecting every crisis management team. There is always somebody in quarantine who...

September 2020
First Line

Telework: 7 fat months for cybercriminals

September 2020 Since the beginning of lockdown, the number of cyber attacks has increased. Unfortunately, teleworking often makes your company an easy victim for cybercriminals...

February 2020
First Line

Crisis management should be a part of your company’s DNA

February 2020 A new employee... Besides a good perspective also a learning process: guided tours, the handover of materials, an immersion in the company culture.... He/she has t...

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