Crisis management

September 2019
Crisis management

Spokesman thrown to the wolves

In times of crisis, is it possible to talk to the press in a way that your customers’ trust can be maintained? A couple of years ago, some children became ill after having a ...

May 2019
Crisis management

Food Fraud: when it’s too good to be true..

May 2019 A big “eye opener” in terms of food fraud in Europe was the horse meat scandal. The European Union then took some decisions in order to tackle this problem more fir...

March 2019
Crisis management

How a blocked product was put on the market…

March 2019 The quality department receives a complaint about a foreign body. After investigating it, the service found that the product in question should not have been on the m...

February 2019
Crisis management

A hot potato? Pass it on to the right person!

February 2019 Are you of the same opinion? Then at least take the time to forward this learning point to those who you think their job it should be: the IT department or top man...

January 2019
Crisis management

BRC FOOD 8: Make your employees the strongest link in your company.

A new year, a new version of BRC. This version draws attention to culture, awareness and engagement. At Food Security, we have been responding to these factors for many years no...

November 2018
Crisis management

From identity theft to global crime

A food company receives returned letters containing product samples which had not been sent by them. The envelopes and the letters imitate the company’s look & feel. T...

Ready to reinforce your company against a crisis?

We offer you an external and objective view on the facts 24/7, including an evaluation of the situation and advice on how to handle it.