Crisis management

June 2022
Crisis management

Does your customer abroad have instructions in case things go south?

All of a sudden, the FASFC is at your door… and you are completely taken aback. What if your customer abroad did not inform you about a problem with your product? Does your cu...

Tue 24 September 2024 09:30 - 12:00

Open sessie - Level 2 Crisismanagement

In deze vervolgopleiding van 'Level 1 Crisismanagement' nemen we enkele case studies onder de loep en toetsen we de crisismanagementtheorie aan de praktijk.

September 2022
Crisis management

A disaster occurs, and now?

It is 1 a.m., your cellphone rings. An extensive fire is raging in your company. The fire brigade is already there. You quickly summon the crisis team (not everyone can be reach...

March 2023
Crisis management

Transforming your crisis manual into a workable tool… How do you do it?

Everyone knows that there is no such thing as zero risk. Therefore, it is more a question of ‘when’ rather than ‘if’ your company will ever face a crisis. Crises can occ...

December 2023
De invloed van bedrijfscultuur op voedselveiligheid
Crisis management

The influence of corporate culture on food safety

Food safety goes beyond production equipment; operators and the corporate culture in place play an equally important role.

February 2024
Een levendige veiligheidscultuur: jouw geheim wapen tegen crisissituaties
Crisis management

A vibrant security culture: your secret weapon against crisis situations

Investing in a strong security culture is the best way to arm your company against internal and external threats. It is therefore crucial that your company recognizes risks at a...

Ready to reinforce your company against a crisis?

We offer you an external and objective view on the facts 24/7, including an evaluation of the situation and advice on how to handle it.